DoAll Mdl. CZ-1620 Horizontal Band Saw

DoAll Mdl. CZ-1620 Horizontal Band Saw

Location:Casa Grande, AZ


Doall Horizontal Band Saw; mdl CZ-1620 SN#181-65109 Record Number: 3797 Asking Price: (1) Used Horizontal Band Saw with hydraulic head raise . Specifications: Throat Width..............................23” (max) Throat Height.............................23” Pass Line Height.........................33” (from floor) Wheel Diameters(2)c .................36" Blade Width................................1 1/2" (max) Blade Length...............................268” (max) Blade Speed...............................60-300FPM Blade Tension.............................Hydraulic Wheel Type.................................Steal Down Feed Rate.........................unknown Rapid Traverse Rate...................unknown. Feed Motor Type.........................adjustable hydraulic feed Main Drive Motor.........................15HP @ 1755 RPM Electrical Characteristics .....................208 220/440 VAC / 3 Phase / 60 Cycle 26. amps Equipped With: Operator Station (1)20”x96” In-Feed/Out-Feed hydraulic Roller Conveyor Section with work holding vise Overall Dimensions....................160in L-R x 4in F-B x 84inH Weight................................5,000 lbs. (est.) F.O.B.................................Casa Grande, Arizona


Serial Number181-65109
Stock Number3797